Sample examination

Research Team

The BioProducts Institute network brings together world-leading, interdisciplinary researchers who are developing fundamental and applied understanding of cutting-edge technologies for the conversion of biomass into sustainable advanced biomaterials, chemicals and clean energy.

  1. Dr. Abdin

    Yasmine Abdin

    Assistant Professor

    Materials Engineering

    Yasmine's research focuses on the design, manufacturing, and rigorous analysis of polymer based composite materials. Through this rigorous data analysis and digital modelling, Yasmine is establishing a deeper understanding of the structure-property relationship of composite structures in digital…

  2. Mohammad Arjmand

    Mohammad Arjmand

    Canada Research Chair (Tier 2) in Advanced Materials and Polymer Engineering

    School of Engineering, UBCO

    Dr. Arjmand is recognized as a leading and award-winning researcher in the field of nanotechnology and polymer engineering. He is an Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan campus (UBCO), a Canada Research Chair in “Advanced Materials and Polymer Engineering”, and the…

  3. Susan A. Baldwin

    Susan A. Baldwin


    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Susan's overall research goal is environmental sustainability of Canadian society through bioremediation where active (reactor-based) and passive (natural) processes are studied that involve microbes and biomonitoring, which concerns the use of biological organisms for monitoring potential…

  4. Xiaotao Bi

    Xiaotao Bi


    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Fellow of The Canadian Academy of Engineering Xiaotao and his team have been developing environmental systems analysis and life cycle analysis tools to model and evaluate biomass energy systems, including Canadian wood pellets, animal wastes and agricultural residues, as well as integrated…

  5. Joerg Bohlmann

    Joerg Bohlmann



    Joerg is a world leader in the fields of plant and forestry genomics and in plant natural products biology. He is distinguished for his research on the genomics of defence and resistance mechanisms of conifers against insect pests and insect-associated fungal pathogens, as well as on plant…

  6. Borduas-Dedekind

    Nadine Borduas-Dedekind

    Assistant Professor


    Nadine’s research focuses on understanding the fate of organic molecules in the atmosphere with implications for air quality and climate. Her research team uses field-deployable mass spectrometers, aerosol instruments and cloud chambers to study the fate of pollutants in the air that we breathe…

  7. Harry Brumer

    Harry Brumer



    The focus of Harry’s research is to understand the way in which particular enzymes act to alter the structure of polysaccharides found in biomass (especially plant cell walls and wood fibers), and to harness these enzymes for application. The discovery and characterisation of new enzymes…

  8. Gary Q.

    Gary Q. Bull

    Professor and Department Head Pro Tem

    Forest Resources Management

    Gary has spent most of his early career working as a management consultant, an economist for two large forest product companies and as an economist for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.  Today he is a professor of forest economics and management at UBC and department head…

  9. Dr. Yankai Cao

    Yankai Cao

    Associate Professor

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Research SummaryMachine Learning, Large-scale Optimization, Energy Systems, Process ControlEducationUniversity of Wisconsin Madison, 2018, Postdoctoral AssociatePurdue University, 2015, Ph.D.Zhejiang University, 2010, B.E.Research interests + projectsMy research group…

  10. Emily Cranston

    Emily Cranston

    President’s Excellence Chair in Forest Bioproducts

    Chemical and Biological Engineering, Wood Science

    Emily and her team are designing high-performance materials to replace those that are based on non-renewable resources by learning from nature and using bio-based components. Their current focus is on the production, functionalization and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals aimed at…

  11. joe

    Joseph Dahmen

    Associate Professor

    School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture

    Joe’s research tests emergent materials in two different registers. Quantitative methods measure their structural and environmental performance, while their qualitative spatial and cultural potentials are evaluated through public architectural installations. His research provides…

  12. Dai

    Chunping Dai

    Associate Professor

    Wood Science

    With extensive industry background, Chunping is interested in both fundamental and applied research in wood and bamboo-based composites. His current research areas include: - Modeling and innovative manufacturing of engineered wood products; - Round and engineered bamboo products for…

  13. Derek Dee

    Assistant Professor

    Food Safety Engineering

    Dr. Dee’s research uses biophysical tools and protein engineering to study protein folding and aggregation, particularly amyloid fibrils (aka nanofibrils). Certain amyloid fibrils play a role in disease, while functional protein nanofibrils hold promise for a variety of applications,…

  14. Ellis

    Naoko Ellis


    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Naoko’s expertise lies in the area of multiphase reaction engineering with emphasis on fluidized beds. Some current projects include: CO2 capture; biomass gasification and pyrolysis; chemical looping combustion; pyrolysis product utilization including bio-oil and biochar applications; and…

  15. Lindsay Eltis

    Canada Research Chair in Microbial Catabolism and Biocatalysis

    Microbiology and Immunology

    Lindsay’s primary research interest is bacterial enzymes and pathways responsible for the degradation of aromatic compounds, including lignin, and steroids. His most significant contributions, including the first characterization of a bacterial lignin-degrading enzyme, have changed the way…

  16. Peter Englezos

    Head and Professor

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Fellow of The Canadian Academy of Engineering Peter has over 20 years of research experience on several fundamental and applied aspects of clathrate or gas hydrates. He has published extensively in this area including reviews on clathrate hydrates, kinetics, energy and environmental aspects and…

  17. Cigdem

    Cigdem Eskicioglu


    School of Engineering

    Dr. Eskicioglu is a Professor and NSERC/Metro Vancouver Industrial Research Chair (IRC) in the School of Engineering, at the University of British Columbia (UBC), specializing in wastewater and sludge treatment. She is also the Founder/Leader of the Bioreactor Technology Group (BTG), which focuses…

  18. Haibo

    Haibo Feng

    Assistant Professor

    Wood Science

    Haibo received his PhD training in UBC Civil Engineering in the field of Sustainable Construction. He was an Assistant Professor for over 2 years at Northumbria University in the UK before joining the Department of Wood Science at UBC Forestry. He also worked in construction industry for over 6…

  19. Johan Foster

    Johan Foster

    NSERC Canfor Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Bioproducts

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Johan’s research currently focuses on structuration, functionalization and fundamental aspects of reinforcement and deformation in polymers and bio-products, and the application of that science to engineering of novel implantable materials and lightweight materials, 3D printing and…

  20. John Frostad

    Assistant Professor

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Dr. Frostad's research group investigates the physical models and mechanisms that govern complex food systems, agricultural sprays, oil spills and their remediation, complex fluid-fluid interfaces, as well as other multiphase fluid systems. Such investigations often require measurements that…

  21. Derek P. Gates



    Research in Derek’s group bridges the traditional areas of inorganic chemistry and polymer science. The development of synthetic methodologies to prepare new macromolecules with interesting structures and properties is a challenging frontier in chemistry. Derek’s group has developed…

  22. Dr. Bhushan Gopaluni

    Bhushan Gopaluni

    Professor and Associate Dean of Education and Professional Development

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Bhushan Gopaluni is a professor in the department of chemical and biological engineering and an Associate Dean for Education and Professional Development in the faculty of Applied Science at the University of British Columbia. He is also an associate faculty member in the Institute of Applied…

  23. Dana Grecov

    Dana Grecov

    Associate Professor

    Mechanical Engineering

    Dana’s core research areas are in Biofluid Mechanics, Liquid crystals, Multiphase flow, Fluid Mechanics, Computational fluid dynamics, and Rheology. A few accomplishments: Development of new robust and efficient computational methods to simulate 2D and 3D flows of liquid crystalline…

  24. Sheldon Green

    Sheldon Green


    Mechanical Engineering

    Sheldon is a specialist in industrial fluid mechanics, and more specifically the application of experimental and numerical techniques to study and resolve industrially relevant fluid mechanics problems.  His research has involved the experimental and CFD study of papermaking forming fabric…

  25. Junling Guo

    Visiting Professor

    BioProducts Institute

    Junling Guo received his Ph.D. in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at The University of Melbourne, Australia. He pioneered research on polyphenol-based engineering of particles and thin-film systems, including metal-phenolic network (MPN) and polyphenol-based modular assembly method. Prof…

  26. Steven Hallam

    Steven Hallam

    Canada Research Chair in Environmental Genomics

    Microbiology and Immunology

    Steven harnesses the awesome power of environmental genomics to explore the microcosmos, describing microbial community structure and function across a wide range of natural and human engineered ecosystems. Each of his projects shares a core set of interdisciplinary tools sourced from ecology,…

  27. Savvas Hatzikiriakos


    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Savvas has over 25 years of experience in the rheology of complex fluids including polymer melts and their blends, suspensions, gels and pastes. His group is using rheology as a probe to gain a better understanding of structural changes taking place in complex systems under flow. Primary focus is…

  28. Dr. Tao Huan

    Tao Huan

    Associate Professor


    Dr. Huan is an Associate Professor in Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. He received his Ph.D. in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Alberta under the supervision of Dr. Liang Li on developing chemical isotope labelling liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry-based metabolomics. After…

  29. Zachary Hudson

    Associate Professor


    The Hudson group is focused on developing new bio-based polymers for use in compostable plastics. Tens of billions of pieces of single-use plastics end up in rivers, oceans and landfills every year, most of which take thousands of years to naturally break down. Food and beverage packaging is the…

  30. Reinhard Jetter

    Reinhard Jetter



    Reinhard's research interests focus on the formation, composition, structure, properties and function of plant surface waxes. Lipids play a pivotal role in all interactions between plants and their biotic and abiotic environment. Integrative research in his lab spans secondary metabolites, wax…

  31. feng

    Feng Jiang

    Associate Professor

    Wood Science

    Feng’s research interest lies in converting naturally abundant biomass into functional nanocellulose and assembled structures. His strategies include: (1) developing green and efficient isolation/modification pathways to reduce production cost and diversify surface chemistry, (2) assembling…

  32. Joshi

    Jaya Joshi

    Assistant Professor

    Wood Science

    Jaya Joshi is a synthetic biologist interested in the directed evolution of enzymes to transform inefficient designer biocatalysts into highly active enzymes. Jaya recently finished a postdoctoral fellowship with Dr. Andrew Hanson at the University of Florida and moved to Dr. Vincent Martin’s lab…

  33. Kwang Ho Kim

    Kwang Ho Kim

    Assistant Professor

    Wood Science

    Dr. Kim joined the Department of Wood Science as an Assistant Professor in July 2024. Previously, he was a Principal Researcher at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). From 2018 to 2021, he served as an Adjunct Professor at UBC, collaborating with professors and researchers across…

  34. Patrick N. Kirchen

    Assistant Professor

    Mechanical Engineering

    Patrick's current research activities include internal combustion engine studies focusing on novel combustion strategies utilizing natural gas (NG) and biofuels, in particular the development of instrumentation, diagnostic techniques, and phenomenological models. He is developing a membrane…

  35. ko

    Frank Ko

    Canada Research Chair Professor (Tier 1) in Advanced Fibrous Materials

    Materials Engineering

    Building on a tradition of creative design and fabrication of fibre based surgical implants, the Advanced Fibrous Materials Laboratory is dedicated to the development of a nanofiber platform for tissue engineering scaffolds in orthopedic, vascular and neual prostheses. Ko also works on Nanofibre…

  36. Kontogiorgos

    Vassilis Kontogiorgos

    Associate Professor

    Food Chemistry

    Dr. Kontogiorgos received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Food Science from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece). A full scholarship was then awarded from the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) for PhD studies in Food Science at the University of Guelph (Canada), where he investigated…

  37. Kozak

    Rob Kozak

    Associate Dean Academic

    Wood Science

    Rob’s current research and teaching interests revolve around sustainable business management practices and issues and providing business-based solutions to complex problems related to sustainable development, forestry, wood products and the emerging conservation economy. Currently, his work…

  38. Hongbin Li


    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Hongbin’s research currently focuses on elastomeric protein-based biomaterials and single molecule protein mechanics. He and his research team are developing rational approaches to engineer protein-based biomaterials with tailored mechanical properties by using well-characterized single…

  39. MacLachlan

    Mark MacLachlan

    Associate Dean of Research & Graduate Studies


    Taking inspiration from nature, he assembles new materials with hierarchical structures on the nanoscale. Much of his research is aimed at developing new materials using biopolymers – cellulose and chitin – as a template. Using cellulose nanocrystals, for example, his team has…

  40. Mansfield

    Shawn Mansfield

    Canada Research Chair in Wood and Fibre Quality (term completed)

    Wood Science

    Mansfield and his team use a combination of molecular biology, biochemistry, analytical chemistry and plant cell wall characterization techniques to elucidate the role of various biosynthetic pathways in the development, growth, chemistry and ultrastructure of secondary xylem formation in trees…

  41. Manso

    Adriana Manso

    Associate Professor

    Dr. Manso received her D.D.S. degree at the University of Londrina, Brazil, Master of Science in Restorative Dentistry at the University of São Paulo, Brazil, and PhD in Dental Biomaterials at the University of São Paulo, Brazil. Additionally, she holds two specialty degrees, in…

  42. Mark Martinez


    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    The focus of Mark's research is on fluid mechanics, flow visualization, multiphase flows and computational fluid dynamics with applications to industrial problems. He is currently working on the following research projects: Advanced Particle Fractionation Systems (NSERC Strategic Grant,…

  43. Parisa Mehrkhodavandi

    Associate Professor


    Parisa’s research focuses on catalysis and bridges inorganic and polymer chemistry. She has developed indium and zinc catalysts for the selective and controlled polymerization of lactones, some bio-sourced, to form biodegradable material. These catalytic systems have allowed the precise…

  44. Carl Michal

    Associate Professor

    Carl's group studies biological, organic and inorganic materials, using solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) as the primary tool. The current projects include: Relaxation and Magnetization transfer in brain tissue: We use NMR to probe the fundamental physics of the nuclear…

  45. Mohn

    William Mohn


    Microbiology and Immunology

    Bill has made pioneering advances in understanding bacterial metabolism of terpenoid compounds, including plant defense compounds and steroids, as well as understanding complex microbiomes residing in soil, wastewater treatment systems and humans.  They are also studying the composition of…

  46. Mohseni

    Madjid Mohseni

    Scientific Director, RES’EAU

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Dr. Mohseni's research focuses on water quality and the application of advanced water treatment processes to improve the quality of drinking water. He specifically works on the development, evaluation, and implementation of advanced oxidation processes (AOPs), particularly UV-based AOPs, ion…

  47. Murphy

    Michael Murphy

    Department Head

    Microbiology and Immunology

    Michael's research interests lie in how bacteria respond to stresses such as iron limitation, antibiotics, and barriers to motility. The systems used by bacteria to overcome these stresses are required for growth during infection and are potential targets for therapy. He investigates the…

  48. Nikolakis

    William Nikolakis

    Assistant Professor

    Forest Resources Management

    William Nikolakis, PhD, LLB, BBus practices law in British Columbia, and practiced in Australia. His focus is on the intersection between Aboriginal rights and natural resources law. Since 2000, he has been working with Aboriginal organizations, governments and corporations in Australia…

  49. Olson

    James Olson

    Dean of Applied Science

    Mechanical Engineering

    An industry leading expert in the application of physics and fluid mechanics, James Olson’s research has led to revolutionary developments in the pulp and paper industry.  He currently leads a five-year university-industry collaborative research program whose  primary goal is to…

  50. Paradis

    Gregory Paradis

    Assistant Professor

    Forest Resources Management

    Gregory's research spans a wide range of forest management problems, with a focus on the application of operations research (OR) methods. His interests lie in the complex intersection of forest science, forest economics, forest and industrial engineering, data science, computer science,…

  51. Anubhav

    Anubhav Pratap Singh

    Associate Professor

    Food Safety Engineering

    Anubhav and his team have been developing various novel physical processes and novel technologies for obtaining sustainable improvements in food quality and nutrition. Novel thermal processing technologies like agitation and reciprocating agitation processing, extrusion and HTST/UHT…

  52. Renneckar

    Scott Renneckar

    Canada Research Chair in Advanced Renewable Materials

    Wood Science

    Scott’s research program focuses on creating advanced renewable materials through cutting-edge science that will catalyze a green economy.  These sustainable products sourced from nature are stronger, lighter, and more energy efficient than their petroleum analogs.  He uses…

  53. Dominik Roeser

    Associate Professor

    Forest Resources Management

    Research interests include: Forest Operations Wildfire Operations Biomass supply systems Feedstock quality improvements Technology transfer of harvesting technologies in different operational environments Small scale harvesting systems Small scale bioenergy solutions …

  54. Orlando Rojas

    Orlando Rojas

    Scientific Director

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Prof. Rojas is the 2018 Recipient of the Anselme Payen Award and is an elected Fellow of the American Chemical Society and the Finnish Academy of Science and Le

  55. Jack Saddler

    NSERC Industrial Senior Chair, Task Leader, IEA Bioenergy Task 39

    Wood Science

    Jack’s research specializes on turning forest residues into liquid fuels and chemicals, in what is called the biorefining concept. He expects that new technologies will allow many chemicals and fuels that are currently products of oil refining to be produced more sustainably and, more…

  56. Lacey Samuels



    Research in Samuels' lab integrates plant biochemistry with plant cell biology to discover how cellulose and lignin are made during wood formation. The formation of wood in the annual growth rings of trees is the most vivid example of how plant cells use carbon captured during photosynthesis to…

  57. Schafer

    Laurel L. Schafer



    Laurel’s research interests bridge the areas of organometallic and organic chemistry.  She has developed a new class of early transition metal complexes for use in selective carbon-nitrogen and carbon-carbon bond forming reactions of industrial relevance.  Applications in…

  58. Peyman Servati

    Peyman Servati


    Electrical and Computer Engineering

    Four research areas occupy Peyman's research and collaboration: Low-cost flexible solar cells and storage devices—develop novel nanomaterials and nanocomposites for low-cost and scalable solar energy generation and electricity storage; Wearable health monitoring sensors and systems—novel nanofiber materials can be used to increase accuracy and decrease power consumption and improve comfort of future wearable sensors; Novel display technologies; and Growth and modelling of nanowires and nanostructures complete the quartet of his research focus.

  59. Siddiqua

    Sumi Siddiqua

    Associate Professor

    School of Engineering, UBCO

    Sumi's research focuses on the design and development of new technologies for mixing soil targeted to improve ground conditions. Optimizing the application of environmentally safe soil stabilizers will significantly enhance the strength and performance of problematic soft soils. Sumi also…

  60. Kevin J. Smith


    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    The aim of our research is to better understand the relationships between heterogeneous catalyst properties, reaction kinetics and reaction mechanisms, so as to assist in the design and development of improved catalysts and catalytic processes. We focus on issues related to the Canadian energy…

  61. Shahab Sokhansanj

    Adjunct Professor

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Shahab’s core research is in feedstock engineering focusing on harvesting, drying, fractionating, and densification of cellulosic biomass. The work has evolved in two fronts: (1) experimenting with innovative biomass preprocesses to acquire engineering data for design and optimum…

  62. Sowlati

    Taraneh Sowlati


    Wood Science

    Biomass utilization, its optimization and management in supply chains have been the focus of Taraneh's research the past seven years. Improved mathematical programming and simulation models for optimizing the utilization of forest biomass along supply chains. Environmental impacts of…

  63. suzana

    Suzana K. Straus



    The aims of Suzana's research programme are twofold: Increase the applicability of solid state NMR by improving current methods and developing new solid state NMR techniques for the structure determination of membrane peptides and proteins, and Study biologically and pharmaceutically…

  64. Heather Trajano

    Associate Professor

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Heather's research focus is explore and harness fundamental knowledge of biomass fractionation and conversion for maximum economic and environmental benefit. Some specific research interests are i) Fundamentals of biomass deconstruction to separate carbohydrates from lignin, ii) Recovery and…

  65. Qingshi Tu

    Assistant Professor

    Wood Science

    Dr. Qingshi Tu’s research combines industrial ecology principles with computational modeling to promote the sustainable development of bioeconomy. Specific foci include; (i) Transforming the information of engineering systems through process simulation, statistical methods and machine…

  66. Hamish van der Ven

    Assistant Professor

    Wood Science

    Hamish’s research focuses on sustainable supply chain governance, eco-labeling and sustainability certifications, and the impacts of online activism on business behaviour. As a political scientist by training, he is interested in the rise of private governance and the growing role of…

  67. Siyun Wang

    Associate Professor

    Siyun's research goal is to contribute to novel food safety technologies that will help reduce national and global burden of foodborne illnesses. Recent advances in high-throughput OMICs and big data have led to considerable breakthroughs in microbial food safety research, and the impact of her…

  68. Withers

    Stephen Withers



    Stephen focuses primarily upon enzymes that catalyse glycoside formation and hydrolysis, since these play crucial roles in all areas of biology. Applications of his research range from the development of new catalysts for industrial processes to the design, synthesis and testing of new…

  69. Yadav

    Vikramaditya Yadav

    Assistant Professor

    Chemical and Biological Engineering

    Vikram’s research harnesses metabolic and enzyme engineering to investigate, tailor and express biosynthetic enzymes that can convert biomass-derived feedstocks into better fuels and pharmaceuticals under benign conditions without using hazardous reagents and solvents. Salient examples of…

  70. Tianxi

    Tianxi Yang

    Assistant Professor

    Food Science

    Tianxi's research focuses on the development of innovative analytical technologies and advanced materials to improve the safety, sustainability, and resilience of agricultural and food systems. The Yang Lab applies interdisciplinary approaches from Food Science, Analytical Chemistry, Material…

  71. Hisham Zerriffi

    Associate Professor

    Forest Resources Management

    Overall research focus is on rural energy in developing countries, climate change, and the tradeoffs inherent in solving global environmental problems through local development projects. He practises an interdisciplinary approach that combines technical and social analysis to address important…

  72. Ryan Ziels

    Associate Professor

    Civil Engineering

    Beyond traditional wastewater treatment design approaches, Ryan’s goal is to integrate genomic information on the metabolic capacity and structure of microbial communities into treatment process modelling, design, and control. His research utilizes advanced molecular sequencing tools, such…

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