Mark Martinez
Chemical and Biological Engineering
Faculty of Applied Science
The focus of Mark's research is on fluid mechanics, flow visualization, multiphase flows and computational fluid dynamics with applications to industrial problems.
He is currently working on the following research projects:
- Advanced Particle Fractionation Systems (NSERC Strategic Grant, Azko Nobel)
- The Effect of Embossing Patterns on Flow Imbibition in Porous Media (NSERC CRD with Kruger Products)
- Production and Characterization of Micro fibrillated Cellulose and Hydrogels (Canfor Pulp Ltd, Catalyst Paper, NSERC CRD with Domtar Corp)
- Pressure Filtration of Soft Porous-Particle Suspensions (NSERC CRD with Valmet and Akzo Nobel)
- Silica Removal in Bamboo Pulps (Lee & Man)
- Modelling of the Heat Transfer in Cyclotron Targets (TRIUMF)
- Novel Biomaterials from Cellulose (NSERC Green Fibre Network)