The BioProducts Institute at the University of British Columbia (BPI) and The Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) have signed a statement of cooperation on July 19th, 2021 with the goal of strengthening collaborative partnerships and accelerating innovations in biobased solutions.
The organizations, known for their scientific explorations for the sustainable use of renewable resources, will develop collaborations that include co-supervised research, exchange programs for scholars, faculty and research fellows, and other collaborative opportunities. These activities will support the translation of science into innovations, exchange knowledge, share best practices via forums and conferences, provide reciprocal access to research infrastructure and develop bilateral funding opportunities.
Luke will also join the Boreal Alliance, a global initiative that facilitates research from nations to utilize the forest resources along the Boreal belt to advance prosperity and well-being in balance with sustainable development. The transnational initiative will gain further momentum through Luke's addition and lead to impacts at the scientific, industrial, governmental, and regulatory levels associated with the bioproducts sector.

“BPI and its members are very excited with the opportunity to work collaboratively with Luke, given the complementarities that exist between the two institutions,” says Orlando Rojas, BPI Scientific Director. “We have already shared the stage in many activities, including recent webinars, panel discussions and others. Hence, the signing of this collaboration agreement is a validation of our shared interest and a way of further expanding our already successful interactions”.

“UBC has been an important collaborator for Luke in research and development of the boreal forest-based biomass sourcing for many years. UBC is a key partner for us to accelerate the technology transfer between EU and Canada. Now this bridge has been reinforced through the formalized partnership with BPI and the scope of collaboration will be further extended towards bio-based products sector. Together we aim to develop EU-Canada research consortia, for which our partnership will be a solid foundation”, said Antti Asikainen, Executive Vice President of Research in Luke.