Call for Innovations: BPI Accelerating Technology Readiness (ATR) Program

December 18, 2024

Accelerating Technology Readiness(ATR) Program

Call for Innovations

Deadline: Monday, January 27th, 2025

Are you an innovator?  Are you working on an exciting new technology that could have impact?  If yes, then this program is for you!

Why Apply?

BPI’s ATR is an industry-focused initiative to support the development of your biobased innovation from lab towards commercialization and impact. It brings additional funding (typically in the $15K to $40K range) to your project and is complementary to UBC’s Lab2Launch and other UBC or external innovations supports (if you are working with them). This third ATR call is designed for BioProducts Institute researchers including Masters, PhDs and Post-Docs, open to innovations at all TRL levels and best of all it is free! 

Projects will be individually supported by BPI team, UBC Innovation team and external Canadian Forest Services funded consultants to further develop the technical and commercial value proposition of your research innovations and move the project towards commercialization. You will get:

  • Hands on support through a Stage Gate process with actionable steps to de-risk both the technology and the customer acceptance.
  • Project specific advisory of industry experts, consultants and BPI experts to work closely with you to de-risk and improve the scalability of your technology/investable IP for targeted end use
  • Where available/possible, access to pre-pilot scale equipment and expertise within BPI network
  • Connection with other innovators, technology entrepreneurs and contacts for early-stage funding.

How to Apply:

Please provide the following information in a single document in this order:

  • Lead applicant information (name, contact information, brief CV/LinkedIn page) and as appropriate brief CV/LinkedIn page of other team members (e.g., supervisor, co-researchers etc.), partners, collaborators.
  • Innovation summary: describe problem(s) your project aims to solve, potential customer applications and the impact (who will use it and how do they use it?), the proposed solution and underlying technology, highlight novel features, anticipated high level block flow diagram of the potential production process, known related/relevant IP and/or patent considerations (e.g.,, potential customer applications and the impact (who will use it and how do they use it?), anticipated benefits (reference supporting experimental data as appropriate). Max 2-3 pages.
  • Other relevant supporting documents. 

Please email this information to with the subject title: BPI ATR Project Name_of Lead_Applicant


We understand projects and teams are at different stages of development and take this into account. The main expectation is that there be a sincere drive towards moving the technology forward.

Review feedback:

Many factors influence the likelihood of success along the pathway towards impact/commercialization.  Where possible, the review team will look to provide each submitted project with insights on some of these considerations and risks related to technical, process, market and business aspects, as well as recommendations on possible next steps.

ATR Project Selection & Call Timeline:

BPI ATR project selection will be based on such factors as availability of resources related to the innovation, commitment of the applicant team, potential for impact, etc. We encourage bioproducts innovations at any stage to apply and if not selected in this call we will look to support towards future calls. 

Call for innovations closes January 27th, 2025.

Project feedback and selection by February 10th, 2025.

We look forward to receiving your application and if any questions or inquires please reach out to email

- BPI ATR Program Team -




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