not nano

NOT-NANO DAY : All About Cellulose

June 9, 2023, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

LOCATION: CHBE #102, 2360 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4


Join us for an exciting one-day conference co-hosted by BPI and the Grenoble Institute of Technology in France. This event aims to promote research exchange and collaboration between the two institutes, with a focus on the latest developments in cellulose and bio-based materials innovation. You'll have the opportunity to hear from prominent speakers and emerging scientists, and engage in discussions that will inspire new ideas and collaborations.

We are grateful for the generous support of the French Embassy in Canada in making this event possible. Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity!



  • 09:00 Door Opens. Coffee & Mingle
  • 09:10 Welcome Address - Dr. Géraldine Dantelle, Science Diplomacy, French Embassy, Vancouver Canada
  • 09:20 UBC Presentation - Dr. Johan Foster, Professor & NSERC Canfor Industrial Research Chair in Advanced Bioproducts, UBC
  • 09:30 LGP2 Presentation - Dr. Julien Bras, Associate Professor, Grenoble INP
  • 09:40 Elizabeth Dobrzanski (UBC) "Wood Foams for Thermal Insulation: Aqueous Stability, Thermal Conductivity, and Compression Strength"
  • 10:10 Emilien Freville (LGP2) "Mix of HPMC and GG with cellulose fibers in twiin-screw extruder for thermocompressed cellulose fiber material"
  • 10:40 Coffee Break
  • 10:50 Gio Bautista (UBC) "Glycosylated tannins: from Bark Hydrocolloids to New Glycomaterials"
  • 11:20 Julia Prescheux-Sergienko (LGP2) "Molded cellulose and its barrier"
  • 11:50 Henrique Alves (UBC) "The Applications of Biosurfactans"
  • 12:20 Lunch
  • 14:00 Arnaud Benard (LGP2) "Cellulose refining and fibrillation"
  • 14:30 Mahfuzul Hoque (UBC) "Multidimensional Fluorometry for Lignocellulosic and Beyond"
  • 15:00 Gael Depres (LGP2) "Will paper save the world?"
  • 15:30 Coffee Break
  • 15:45 Samantha Pritchard (UBC) "Film Microtemplating and Surface Properties"
  • 16:15 Julien Bras (LGP2) "Cellulose Valley: new cellulosic based solution for packaging"
  • 16:45 Wrap up
  • 17:30 UBC Tour


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