BPI Research Day 2022
December 9, 2022, 8:30 am to 2:00 pm
Life Science Centre (LSC) - West Atrium at 2350 Health Sciences Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 (Click the link to find the exact location of the venue)
BPI Research Day is back!
This annual signature event showcases the latest scientific and technical advances BPI researchers have accomplished in developing sustainable bio-based materials. All BPI-affiliated researchers, faculty, students, and staff as well as industry and government are welcome to participate in the event which will provide great opportunities to learn from one another, make new connections, and celebrate our wonderful partnership in building a more sustainable future.
Registration will close on Monday, Dec 5th at 5pm. If you haven't yet, register today to save your spot! You wouldn't want to miss out on this event where we will celebrate this special season of the year with colleagues and friends over a hot free lunch and drinks. Don't forget to collect free gifts and join the prize draw to win a $100 gift card!
- 8:00AM Check-in (Coffee & pastries served)
- 8:30AM Welcome & Intro
- Dr. James Olson (Dean, Faculty of Applied Science)
- Dr. Orlando Rojas (BPI Scientific Director)
- 8:45AM Presentations by BPI Research Theme Leads
- Biocatalytic Transformation and Engineering of Biomass by Dr. Lindsay Eltis
- Bio-nanoparticle Enabled Materials by Dr. Emily Cranston
- Bio-based Polymers and Carbon Materials by Dr. Scott Renneckar
- Biorefinery Systems by Dr. Heather Trajano
- BioProducts Ecosystem Analysis by Dr. Qingshi Tu
- 10:00AM Poster Session #1
- Group A: Bio, Enzymes, & Small Molecules
- Group B: Wood Biopolymers, Cellulose, Lignin, & Lignin/Carbon (Nano)Materials
- 10:45AM Poster Session #2
- Group C: Bioproduct Development
- Group D: Conversion, Processing, Energy, & Biorefineries
- 11:30PM Keynote Presentations
- Gustavo Oliveira (Ministry of Forests)
- Bill Adams (Mercer International)
- Gurminder Minhas (Performance BioFilaments)
- 12:00PM Lunch & Networking
- 12:45PM Poster Award Presentations
- 13:00PM Closing Remark (Lunch & mingle continues)
- 14:00PM Doors close
We are excited to present 71 highly talented BPI young researchers to showcase their work during the poster sessions sponsored by the Faculty of Applied Science. The posters are divided into four groups and will be evaluated for the competition within their group. Click here to see the complete poster list.
APSC Dean's Prize & People's Choice Award
Two students and one postdoc from each of the four groups who earn the highest score from judges will receive an "APSC Dean's Prize" of $200 CAD. Also, the audience can select the best presenter to give a "People's Choice Award" of $100 CAD to one from each session who earns the most votes.
Prize Draw for Guests
Guests can participate in a stamp rally to win a prize. Those who visit 15+ posters and collect stamps from the presenters can enter the prize draw to win a BPI water bottle or a $100 gift card.
We suggest using one of the following parkades which are located within a 5 min walk. Their rates are $2 per 1/2 hour up to a daily max of $20.
- Health Science Parkade, 2250 Health Sciences Mall, V6T 1Z3
- Thunderbird Parkade, 6085 Thunderbird Boulevard V6T 1Z3
For more details, view the university parkade and parking lot map.
This event is generously sponsored by
and co-hosted by